1994 mtg card sets
1994 mtg card sets

1994 mtg card sets

From Fourth Edition in 1995 onward, a new base set would come out once per two years in the spring or early summer for tournament play, that set would be legal for two years in the Standard format until the next core set replaced it.Įarly in the history of Magic, the sets sold out nearly instantaneously, and supplying the game's growing fan base proved tricky. All cards were given a white border to mark them as reprints, with a few exceptions ( Limited Edition, Tenth Edition, foil cards in Seventh- Ninth Editions). This simplicity led to many cards from these sets being considered "staples" of deck design. These cards were generally simpler than cards in expansion sets, omitting multicolored cards, and used only the original abilities and keywords of Magic such as Flying and Trample. With the exception of Limited Edition, these sets consisted entirely of reprints. The collectible card game Magic: The Gathering published ten base sets from 1993–2007, also referred to as core sets.

1994 mtg card sets